Monday, December 15, 2014

Best Tips to Guide Ida Through Monument Valley

Monument valley game is an interesting and exciting mobile game for iOS and Android devices. In this game, you will guide Ida, the silent princess, through many levels that are filled with optical illusions, mysterious Crow people, and more. Along the way you get to enjoy the breathtaking visuals and an every story. Each time you get Ida to her goal, you'll unlock another chapter. Want to improve your skill in mobile strategy games? If so, read the tips we offer here!

First, start each level off by exploring the landscape. One of the first things you should do before moving Ida around too much is explore around you. If there are things you can rotate and move, check them out before deciding what is the best course to steer Ida on. Make note of any switches as well. You can't interact with these but Ida can. It's typically a good idea to make that your first goal, get Ida to any objects only she can interact with.

Second, perception is everything. Monument Valley is a world full of nothing but optical illusions. It isn't about what you're looking at and more of how you look at it. That being said, if you find yourself stuck on an obstacle, be sure you're looking at it from all angles. Sometimes a staircase or a connection is made at one angle that completely disappears from view in another.

Third, use pulleys and switches to your advantage. There are some chapters in which Crow people will attempt to undo switches that you've pressed the second you step off of them. In these kinds of scenarios you have to find a way to stop them. Typically that comes in the form of a pulley or barricade that you can hold just long enough to divert them. Then timing becomes key in Monument Valley app.

Fourth, if you can't see Ida, that move won't work. A good rule of thumb to remember is that if Ida is out of view, you probably can't make a move at that perspective — at least not until you move Ida around a bit. The best rule to follow is that if you're trying to get Ida around a tight corner or plan another move, make sure she's always in view. That means whatever you're planning will work.

Fifth, if a level rotates, lay a path out in front of Ida. Going back to tip number one, the most important thing to remember about rotating obstacles is that they're based more on how you perceive them. Make note of what stairways connect where when you rotate the level. Then figure out the best way to get Ida from point A to point B.

Sixth, look for patterns and behaviors. Going with tip number 7, make sure you're watching for patterns, whether it be the path a Crow person takes or how a crank and lever responds to you pushing it. In some instances you have to have weight or another object to counter balance. Knowing this early on can again save you some moves. In levels with totem poles, always be sure to evaluate what the totem pole can help you reach before moving around too much.

Seventh, crows are all about timing and trickery. Crows are for lack of a better term, harmless. They do however get in the way a lot. Sometimes it takes a bit of trickery and timing to get around them. For the most part this can be done by timing your taps to move Ida around them. If there is a persistent Crow person, you may have to try and find a way to block them off before bringing Ida into the thick of things. Most of the time there's a section of monument that can be raised to obstruct their paths.

Eighth, learn cranks and rotation devices at the beginning of a level. If you see cranks or other mechanisms that let you manipulate the landscape, get to know them at the beginning of the level. This will save you a lot of time moving Ida back and forth. Sometimes certain cranks are unusable if you step off certain areas or on to others. Learning those early on can help you figure out how to best move around them and utilize them to your advantage.

Ninth, you can't get stuck, ever. The best part of Monument Valley is that you can never put yourself in a situation you can't get out of. That's exactly the way the game was designed. If you ever reach a dead end, just turn around and try again. No need to restart levels or worry about whether a move is going to ruin how far you've progressed already. Just retrace your steps to where you got stuck and try, try again!

Tenth, not sure if a move is possible? Give it a try! If you aren't sure if somewhere is even accessible at all, try tapping the screen. If you can move there, the dot will have a white glow around it. If you can't, there's no white glowing ring. Testing your theory first is a good way to prevent wasting time trying to get somewhere you can't even go in the first place.

Hope the 10 Monument Valley app cheats above are helpful to you! Want to know more? If so, stay tuned here! In addition, you can check out the mobile video game for more effective strategies!


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